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By Camron Carmona May 1, 2019
The lessons you learn from sports will last you a lifetime. I had the pleasure to play under Bruce Rollinson from Mater Dei High School. This man is recognized as one of the greatest High School football coaches in the country. He taught me that you have to work harder than the next man to earn a spot amongst 11. He also made it clear that we are responsible for our own success. This man taught me how to face adversity and hit it in the mouth. I can go on and on about the life lessons this great man has taught me. My point is that Bruce Rollinson didn’t sugar coat anything, because he knew the real world gets difficult at times. I have faced trials and overcome, I have failed at many tasks and been told I was under qualified. I was prepared to face my failures because at a young age no one called me a champ for losing. When I lost I knew I had to work harder, when I was challenged I accepted. I have prospered because the people who love me and wanted me to grow into a true champion told me the truth. We live in a time where we want everyone to be winners and that is kind and gracious. The fact is we are creating a mindset of entitlement amongst our youth/young adults. As teachers, coaches, and parents we sugar coat the fact that “Johnny” might not be good at sports because we do not want to hurt his feelings. It is okay if “Johnny” doesn’t make the team or he’s not a super star. There is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes we fail our youth/young adults by not telling them the truth. With Love, Coach Cam
By Camron Carmona April 17, 2019
Most americans are either on their feet or sitting behind a desk in a static position for most of the day. As we all know standing and sitting for long periods of time can inflame our lower extremities which becomes uncomfortable. Instead of moving properly to improve our foot pain we jerk, bend, and tweak ourselves into a band aid position. Here are a few foot and ankle prep exercises that have helped me survive plantar fasciitis. 1. Lacross ball / Myofascial release 2. Toe heel pause 3. Toe heel reflex 4. Toe walks 5. Heel walks 6. Heel to toe combination movement The exercises listed above can be done within the first ten minutes of getting out of bed! Foot pain can have a profound impact on quality of life. Half of all adults say that foot pain has restricted their activities—like walking, exercising, working, or playing with grandchildren—in some way. For those with chronic foot pain, that number jumps to 83 percent. People say they would exercise more (39 percent) and participate in more activities (41 percent) if it weren’t for their foot pain. (American Podiatric Medical Association) The first exercise is to be used with a (Lacross Ball) this is a great way to stimulate the stretch reflex in your feet. While standing you can balance yourself in a doorway while executing this exercise. Roll each foot over the lacross ball for one to two minutes. The second progression, you rock up high on your toes and one second pause then roll back to the heels and one second pause while keeping your hips forward. Put your thumbs on the small of your back while bringing your spine and belly button together, this will help you to perform the movement properly. It is very easy to create false ankle flexion if you push your hips back while rocking to the heels. Repeat this exercise for three sets of ten repetitions. The third is a continuous movement from toe to heal without pause. Repeat this exercise for three sets of ten repetitions. Toe walks can be performed in place for two sets of thirty seconds or you can walk down the hall of your home for four sets. Toe walks should be executed by standing high on your toes while taking very small steps moving forward. Heel walks can be performed in place for two sets of thirty seconds or you can walk down the hallway of your home for four sets. Heel walks should be executed by standing on your heels with toes curled towards the shins while taking very small steps moving forward. Remember to keep your thumbs on the small of your lower back when performing this exercise. Heel to toe combination movement can be performed as a unilateral exercise by making ground contact with the heel rolling up onto the toes while standing in place. I suggest if you are to perform this exercise in place you alternate feet. You can also perform this exercise by moving forward down the hallway of your home. with care, Coach Cam
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